MICAI 2023, Mérida, México
Abstract: Assessing the condition and visibility of veins is a crucial step before obtaining intravenous access in the antecubital fossa, which is a common procedure to draw blood or administer intravenous therapies (IV therapies). Even though medical practitioners are highly skilled at intravenous cannulation, they usually struggle to perform the procedure in patients with low visible veins due to fluid retention, age, overweight, dark skin tone, or diabetes. Recently, several investigations proposed combining Near Infrared (NIR) imaging and deep learning (DL) techniques for forearm vein segmentation. Although they have demonstrated compelling results, their use has been rather limited owing to the portability and precision needs to perform venipuncture. In this paper, we aim to contribute in bridging this gap using three strategies. First, we introduce a new NIR-based forearm vein segmentation dnataset of 2016 labelled images collected from 1008 subjects with low visible veins. Second, we propose a modified U-Net architecture that locates veins specifically in the antecubital fossa region of the examined patient. Finally, a compressed version of the proposed architecture was deployed inside an bespoke, portable vein finder device after testing four common embedded microcomputers and four common quantization modalities. Experimental results showed that the model compressed with Dynamic Range Quantization and deployed on a Raspberry Pi 4B card produced the best execution time and precision balance, with 5.14 FPS and 0.957 of latency and Intersection over Union (IoU), respectively. These results show promising performance inside a resource-restricted low-cost device.
Paper and Supplementary Material
Latest version published on Nov. 18, 2023. Conference proceedings link
Here is the GitHub link: https://github.com/EdwinTSalcedo/CUBITAL. If you have questions, please use the public issue tracker.
The final version of the dataset used in this project can be found here: Dataset. We created an additional Dataset version with normalized samples of 512x512 dimensions for immediate training with the proposed architecture.
author = { Edwin Salcedo and Patricia Peñaloza },
title = { Edge AI-Based Vein Detector for Efficient Venipuncture in the Antecubital Fossa },
journal = { MICAI 2023 },
year = { 2023 }
doi = { 10.1007/978-3-031-47640-2_24 }
url = { https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-47640-2_24 }
url = { 297--314 }